Powerbank is a very useful power device to have, which helps us to charge our mobile device in the case we find our self in a situation where there is no electricity to charge our mobile phone or tablet when our battery runs down.
Having a powerbank is very useful and good but problem may arise when you buy or have a fake one which can cause hazard to your phone by damaging it or the battery or even catch fire and in the process destroy your phone or tablet.

So today i will help you in identifying the original and fake power Bank especially here in Nigeria where we have so many fake power banks and also give you the best power Bank to buy right here in Nigeria.

How To Identify a fake Powerbank 

The first and foremost in identifying a fake power Bank is if the powerbank has a brand name. When buying a powerbank, check if it has a brand name cause many powerbanks especially those sold here in Nigeria doesn't have a brand name instead what will be written on it will be POWER BANK. When you such one don't buy it's a fake power Bank and might damage your phone. Fake powerbank comes with a fake capacity like for example you see a powerbank written 50000mAh but charges a phone or tablet battery of 2500mAh just once or twice. Such Power Bank is confirmed fake one and if you continue using it, know that on the long run it will damage your phone or tablet. Most fake power Banks especially the ones sold here usually have a very high capacity written on it like for example a power Bank capacity being 50000Mah,100000mAh or even 30000mAh. Most of them are fake though some might be original but as long as it's here in Nigeria, it's confirmed fake don't buy.

How To Identify An Original powerbank

1. Original power Bank comes with a brand name.
2. It doesn't have exergerated high capacity like 30000mAh,50000mAh,100000mAh etc. 3. The charging capacity tallies with what it is written on it depending on your battery capacity too.

List of good powerbanks sold here in Nigeria 

Romoss power Bank: My very best powerbank which i always recommend any person to buy. It's a very strong power Bank with a great charging life circle especially the sense4 which charge my lg g3 battery of 3000mah 5 good times.
To buy original romoss power bank for your mobile phone or tablet Click Here- Romoss Power Bank - Konga.com

Lumsing™ power Bank : Another powerful power Bank even better than romoss power Bank, which can charge a battery capacity of 3000mah up to seven good times before it runs down. But you have to know it not popular here in Nigeria
Click Here To Buy Lumsing Power Bank on Konga.com

Xiaomi™ power Bank is another power Bank too which is okay but not as good as the other two above.

To buy original xiaomi power bank click Here Xiaomi Power Bank- Konga.com

Other good  quality power Bank to buy are Ankers,Adata,Samsung. If you have your own you can list that through the comment box.

That's it and with this guide you won't be a victim of buying or owning a fake power Bank.

Bear in mind that these power Banks that i listed have so many fake ones in the market, but in my next post i will be treating on how to identify original
and fake romoss, lumsing, xiaomi, ankers, adata and Samsung power Bank.

If you feel there are other good power banks, you can mention their names using the comment box.
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